Sunday, July 15, 2012

Red Hot Yoga

You have to buy all the candy, you have a class party frosted cupcakes for the kids and snacks and cocktails whipped up for home Halloween soiree.

The day after Halloween candy you eat the rest of you are buying, theft of property of children and bitten on snacks eaten from the party.

Ugh. You suffer from a serious junk food hangover. Perhaps even worse, if you indulge in one too many cocktails at the party sinister adults.

What to do? What about yoga class? HOT yoga class to detoxify your entire system. A hot yoga class at Yoga Red Hot in tony Miami Circle in Buckhead. I start classes there this week after an absence of four years. Oh, and I'm not going to lie and tell you it was easy, but you will sweat (do not forget a towel and water bottle!) You'll feel like you really accomplished something after class. And it is owned by Bethany beautiful & Wes, who really knows what they are doing and will help you with your poses so you will not feel totally klutzy. They are kind, caring and patient . Yes, that seems to be a recurring theme in my life today!

I know after all the eating out, eat, eat, and they are fab  chef's tasting menu, that I must do something. Plus, I feel all the aches every morning. Since I write a blog about eating, I could not very well just stop it, either. So I had to find a balance. Yoga helps me with it. Bethany and I discussed how much better I'll feel and look next year. Heck, I already feel better. I still can not stand on one leg for a long time, but that will come. Most of the classes I've taken this week have been taught by Gwen, which I think is super swell.

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